Our February meeting was almost fully attended, bad weather and illnesses having eventually receded and it was lovely to see everyone again.
Jac led us on a series of one sheet structures with a heart theme ( well, it is February), some of which proved quite challenging. We all managed to make all of the variants, but with irritation at the cutting of straight lines which never quite seemed straight after folding. We did learn that two sided paper works best for structures where there is a hidden element, the contrast making the mechanism ‘pop’.
Members showed their current or recent work, and June was congratulated on having her submission for the Knowsley Exhibition accepted; we all admired her book and hope to go individually or jointly to see the exhibition in due course.
Mary showed us the results of her year long course at Hotbed Press, a letterpress and lino print book, and Frances let us see a New York work in progress, very finely detailed and due to be a pop up construction.
We were reminded that the current theme for a book is ‘light’.
Our new monthly fee is £6 as the room fees have increased, and we have agreed to pay an annual subscription of £10, which is due in March. New members are always welcome and can attend their first meeting free of charge.