MakeFest and the Liverpool Book Arts Fair were discussed and volunteers for both events signed up. Any display items you think might be useful, as well as your books of course, please bring to the July meeting.
The form for listing your books for sale is attached, and please don't forget to label your books and copyright them.
Volunteers for the MakeFest were requested to do short demos of book making.
There is to be a separate display of any Sergeant Pepper-related books. Some great examples were brought along to the meeting. It was suggested to set up a quiz to guess which song the individual books related too. The deadline for the Sergeant Pepper books is the July meeting if they are to be displayed or sold.

Books made, or in the process of being made were discussed and appreciated; again demonstrating a wide selection of individual members interests and talents.
From next month workshop notes will be on a seperate members page.
This month we have a new page 'FOR SALE/WANTED' were members can request or offer items of equipment etc.