Monday, 7 August 2017

Books that don't look like books

We welcomed two new visitors, Jenny and Debbie, and our furthest-flung member Eric from Australia to the August meeting.   We also reflected on the success of the Liverpool Book Arts Fair and collected together some of the map book pages.
Final date for collection of the pages is our September meeting please.

Members then did a show and tell of books they had made over the past 4 weeks.

Wallet Sketch Book

3D Pop up Book

Bird Song Book
The group followed up by  looking at 'books that don't look like books' in an attempt to broaden our horizons when it comes to book making. From woven books, to round books, form talking heads to sacred cows we were taken on a broad journey, and afterwards had an opportunity to have a go ourselves. Interesting shapes and ideas emerged, some complete and some ideas in development.



We decided it is time for some of the members to take a turn setting  the themes for forthcoming months so the theme for October is  'wilderness in a match box' .  

Template for the matchbox (or you can make your own/use an existing one) is available on the workshop page.