Saturday, 9 September 2017

Textile Talk and Demonstration

September saw us meeting Ann Paterson and Jen Collier, who led us through a condensed form of a full day worksshop on 'Textiles in Book  Art'  in only 3 hours!   Described as 'mind blowing' by several group members, we discovered several new ways of incorporating textiles into our books, and indeed making books entirely from textiles such as calico (useful with prepared surfaces of gesso or emulsion).  These rolls make great travelling sketch books being light and portable.  We also looked at stitch as part of bookmaking.   We experimented with making marks using stamps, inks and other applicators at the end of the session. Such a fun session. Sites mentioned  to have a look at include:
ArtVanGo    for Tbag paper, 
Tim Holz   for ideas on using distress pads and inks. 
Print me Pretty for transfer of designs to textile.    (
and the  book, 'Colour on paper and fabric' by Ruth Issett.

Ann and Jen

         In the spirit of next month show and tell I have done my homework with a band for my Journal.  Also I was doing some research for my daughter, looking at the local News papers on Micro film 1914 every fourth page was about Suffragettes.
   Thanks once again for making me most welcome and some great idea’s.
                                                                                                       All the best    Eric

Erics, signature boot sale wallet

Embroiderers Guild Notice :
We have a very interesting project with  the guild for next year, for a September 2018 exhibition at the Anglican Cathedral based on the voyage of HMS Endeavour and Captain Cook, and Joseph Banks, the botanist who was on board  collecting Botany Specimens.   Embroideries of plants, Captain Cook's Maori Robe, and anything else about the voyage which inspires people to create is welcome.

See Brenda for further details.