Friday 28 December 2018

Paper Weaving

For those of you new to the group, we aim to not only make books but also explore techniques that may help/inspire us when making book art. To this end we welcome contributions and sharing from all group members, most of whom are not trained teachers or demonstrators.

Our January meeting focussed on recycling once more. This time we were trying to re-use some of those long strips of paper we all have left over from previous projects, so paper weaving was our theme. More challenging than it sounds in terms of getting a tight weave, unless you are very careful at cutting your strips, we still managed to get some interesting, and in some cases beautiful results. These papers can be used for binding or decoration, but be aware that the thicker your paper the harder it is to use it once woven.

Several members brought along works in progress or completed, and a few of us have got the Hedi Kyle book, The Art of the Fold, for Christmas. No-one has yet had a go, and some books will be quite challenging we suspect!

The Paul Johnson workshop is fully booked if our reserve places are used, which is excellent news. We’ll have the larger room so that everyone has plenty of space. Please remember that a deposit of £10 is due in February, with the full sum of £20 due in May. Thanks to those who have already paid in full or in part.

We also enjoyed far more space to work in as more table space
  is now made available by the library.

We discussed our programme for 2019, which may of course be subject to change as the year progresses. It’s good to see members willing to share their expertise in meetings, and so we look forward to hearing  :

Frances on Nature Printing, Jac on the Blizzard book, and Sue on Pico cutting.
                  We also committed to finally having a joint workshop on working with gelli plates.

The theme for the next two months is ‘reflection’, due at our March meeting or whenever it’s complete! Please remember there is no compulsion about having a go at these bi-monthly themes

Our next meeting is in room 2 at the central library on February 2nd, 10.30 a.m. Fee is now £5.

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