Saturday 18 December 2021

Snowflake Book

After some doubt, our December meeting went ahead and we enjoyed making a 'snowflake book' -  think back to all those patterns you made as a child and make them into book form. The results are satisfyingly pretty to hang or use in book form, and make great gifts for friends and family. 


Although we have no written instructions, the basic book pages are lotus folds with cuts made into the open edges, then glued together and covers put on. The closures use a bead, which keeps the book tightly together but also allows for it to hang. 


Thanks to Julie for the accompanying photos. She tried circular forms but decided that using the square format meant the end result was best.


We all enjoyed nibbles and drinks as is usual for our December meeting, and showed new work or progress on older pieces. We hope to bring together any outstanding Magellan pieces at our January meeting.

Wishing all members and readers 

a very Happy Christmas 

and a better New Year





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