Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Belted Book

A full meeting room this month, and it was great to welcome back some old friends post pandemic.

We made a book developed by David Hedgeblower from the Marches Book Arts Group, which he has called “Belt Up”. It’ s a simple book in theory, although simple books are often not the easiest to make, and enables us to use single pages, very useful for prints. Some of us played about with extending the binding to wrap around the book, and it was suggested that we could in
crease the numbers of belts.   Plenty to play with.

Marilyn collected the sewn Magellan strips to pass on to Jac. They are planning to meet and pin together the whole scroll very shortly. The images have worked really very well and we’ll enjoy seeing the whole book very soon. It was agreed that we would store the scroll in a long box, folded over, as this seems safer than leaving it rolled up.

Several members shared their work, and Chris had written a long and very humerous poem about   ‘this’ll come in useful’, accompanying it with a book using some of her scraps. This has been a very successful theme and enables us to use up some of those useful bits. 

The current theme is ''round”, and some members showed their work on this theme.

Our next meeting is on May 7th, when we hope that Jac will lead us in making a simplified dragon scale book

1 comment:

We will get back to you as soon as possible.