Wednesday 16 August 2023

Slipknot Binding


A rather damp Saturday didn’t diminish our enthusiasm for learning how to make a slipknot binding with Jac.  In theory simple, we all agreed that the most important lesson learned was using the right string or thread for binding. Nothing too thin or too likely to pull apart is the answer.

A useful binding for books made of individual sheets to add to our repertoire.

Marilyn took notes of all our books for ‘Crafted’; we don’t yet have a date for the actual book delivery as yet.

We shared our makings for this month, including some sketch books with beautiful African wax cloth binding from Mary, a tiny book of stamps from Jac and a book about the Pendle Witch trials, still in development, from Marilyn.

We have arranged for next year’s meetings to be in the Margaret Fell room at the Quaker Meeting House, which has a sink and wipeable tables. Our next two meetings are organised. Chris showing us a flag type of binding in September, and Frances taking the following two months when we will be making a shadow box structure. And then it will be Christmas!!

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