Thursday, 22 August 2019

Collagraph taster workshop - September

It was good to gather together again at the start of the Autumn. We were timely reminded of two on- going projects;

Woods,(summer) and rust and eco- prints. Everyone seems to be very enthused about the eco dying and rust processes, with much experimentation going on. It seemed helpful when individuals shared their recipes with the group as everyone managed unique samples depending on how they approached it.  ( Maybe publish our collection )

We also looked at the books made for the theme of ‘cutting’. Other work was also shared, including a very delicate piece from Rose and a fascinating conundrum concertina from Jac.

Most of our meeting was made up of a short introduction by Estella to collographs (alt spelling collagraphs) which some members had plenty of experience in and some were novices. Estella gave us all some new ideas and the opportunity to make at least 2 prints.

We used the die cutting machines (details available below)  kindly brought along by long suffering members, and these had excellent results once we has worked out the right pressure. Although heavy they are very portable.

There is no news from HotBed press about the Manchester Book Fair, and we are still waiting on a response from Southport. CHET have put us on next year’s list as they are full for this year.

It was farewell again to Eric, our farthest flung member, who flies back to Australia at the end of the month. As ever, he manages to pick up some wonderful things at the Warrington car boot sale (we should all check this out!) Bon voyage and we’ll hope to see you next year Eric.

         Good to catch up with everyone on Saturday.   In the photo is the book I picked up at the boot sale and also a very old Crocodile skin Wallet that I have made into October’s journal. It was very dry so took a lot of restoration and a bit of stitching but now looks the part.
Until next time 

Frances has now sorted out how we can all post to the blog so we hope to see more of everyone’s work appearing soon.

Our next meeting we need to consider whether we wish to put together a group exhibit on the theme of Ferdinand Magellan’s voyages , most specifically including the Spice Islands (present day Indonesia). Individual members are of course welcome to put forward their own ideas separately from the group

Theme for November is “It’s the little things...that make me happy/sad/smile/laugh”

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