Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Tunnel Books

Notes from November meeting

The closure of Lime Street station caused problems for some members, but we had a good attendance to work on our tunnel books-yes, we made two this session. Before that however, we debated again the Magellan project for next year. Jac had come up with a proposal, as had Jane, and these two married together began to make a coherent proposal to put to Simon (details from Marilyn if you’d like them). Brains are currently engaged on taking this project forward, so please make notes and we’ll discuss the ideas in December before submitting our proposal. If you can’t get to the December meeting, let Marilyn have ideas, based on Magellan’s long voyage, by email.


We enjoyed looking at the finished or in progress pieces of work everyone brought along. It would be good go see some completed tunnel books at our December meeting, along with any other work.

We made two tunnel book styles, although there are others around. This is quite a flexible format which lends itself to narrative as well as pictures and theatre. We’ve included on this blog a template of option 1 and explanation of option 2, but there are many examples all over the web.

For our December meeting, we decided that we would bring along a book or other art-related item to out into a box for each of us to pick from. If anyone would like to bring along a book to swap as well, please do so. The usual small nibbles would be good, and we’ll probably bring along a simple book/card each to pass round and stamp/calligraph/write in as a Christmas card to each of us. If you can’t get here but would still like to join in, send completed pages to Marilyn-email for her address.

Lots of ideas for next year, which looks like being exciting and diverse. Several of our members said today that the atmosphere in this group is really good - “the nicest of any group I belong to” said one. That’s great to hear, and if we sound like something you’d be interested in, come along and join us on the first Saturday of every month at the Liverpool Central Library, 10.30-1.30

Note: we now have an Instagram account under our name. Photos to Marilyn for posting but we will mostly use it for meeting pics.

Message from Eric...........


Thought you may be interested in this.
Envelope book with drab binding.
As I am always mooching around Flea markets and charity shops for usable materials. I came across some nice paper in stationary boxes that people buy one another for Xmas and then it gets moved about in drawers around the house or rewrapped and give away as presents and then if all else fails a car boot sale and then charity shop and even more so now a days as every one texts. Not many write another skill being lost
So nice paper found what do I do with all the envelopes I made them into a book.
All the best

Sent from my iPhone

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