Thursday 16 July 2020

Lockdown end - first steps Zoom

Our third Zoom meeting went well, despite the possibly confusing instructions. However, the generosity of Marilyn’s neighbour meant that we could Zoom for as long as we wanted without interruption.

Plenty of work going on, and it was good to see the thoughtfulness that everyone has put into Magellan, even ‘though it's unlikely to go for exhibit this year. Our next ‘real’ meeting us likely to be taken up with putting things in place into the textile book.

Jac had already completed her book for the theme of “collections.collectors,collecting”, and it showed ingenious use of Amazon packaging. If you’ve been having a go at this theme we’ll show our books at the August Zoom meeting.

If not making books, members seem to have been enjoying other artistic pursuits, including print making, paste papers, new book structures and drawing/painting/sketching. Equally, we have all had days when inspiration has been lacking, and if anyone has any prompts for those days or weeks, do share them with the rest of us via this blog?

Next Zoom Meeting
In the meantime, stay safe and well, and we’ll ‘see’ you on August at 10.30am. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent nearer the time, and it will be in Gill Bellow’s name once more, so please don’t be surprised.

N.B.    Also at this meeting we are going to attempt a book-making exercise-very simple, and requiring only a sheet of heavyweight A4 paper or thin card, a ruler, pencil and your cutting knife and mat. What could possibly go wrong?! And thanks to Mike Clements of Mbag for the idea/instructions

From Jac.........

 From Estella........

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