Wednesday, 5 August 2020

August Zoom - Book Holder

NWBA notes for August 2020

We had a great Zoom meeting on August 1st, including our Antipodean member, Eric, who had already completed 2 pages of his August notebook! Helen shared lots of work from her sketchbook,and the “collections” theme included keys, buttons, shells bird pictures and Teabag labels-please send photos to Frances or Marilyn for the blog and the Instagram feed? 

Courtesy of Mike Clements we made a book holder book page (see photo), which members were encouraged to develop between meetings. This was a first for us, a making session on Zoom. If anyone wants to volunteer to show us another simple make please come forward-it’s so nice to be making collectively again. We don’t know when we will be able to meet at the library, but we are monitoring the situation. Frances suggested we could meet outside the library for a catch up and socially-distanced get-together, so that’s a possibility for the future. There’s plenty of artistic activity going on, which is encouraging in these difficult times. Jac suggested a palette of muted colours for us all to use as we continue to make progress with the Magellan book, These are as follows: ultramarine blue, cobalt or pthalo blue, burnt umber, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, cadmium yellow hue, and crimson. Mixing them will give us a large range of colours, and using the same basic palette will help give a uniformity to  the book. 

The theme for the next couple of months is “Remnants”,  suggested by Frances.

Members asked for information of where Marilyn has had rubber stamps made. She has used and, both of whom have reasonable prices. Rubber stamps are longer lasting than acrylic and give a sharper outline for fine details. They involve sending off a jpeg of your image and service is usually quite quick.

Jacs collection of keys

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