Monday, 15 February 2021

2021 First Workshop Magellan Project

Notes from February meeting

It was good to see so many of you joining us to make a book inspired by Mike Clements of Marches Book Arts Group. It’s a form which has many uses so we hope you enjoy it. As we now have a Zoom licence we can work without interruption and that means longer demonstrations if necessary.

We had a long chat about our Magellan project, and welcome Sally to join us. Jac will send out pieces of the cotton cloth on request so that we can continue making in lockdown when inspiration strikes. 

Our video for BABE has been accepted-thanks to all who took part. 

Also within the blog is a sheet showing material Jane has on offer if needed.
Lots of interesting work going on, amongst which is a family recipe book, embroidery of working hands, hare textile pictures and print books.


We next meet on March 6th, 10.30 am as usual. Marilyn will send invites to Zoom 10 minutes before the meeting is due to start to try and get over scheduling problems.Jane Will lead us in an activity.

Stay warm, stay well everyone, and thanks for your friendship.... M x

Magellan Project

Here are the items still needing ownership-please let me know if you’d like to tackle one or more. If needed I can photograph the paragraph in the Magellan Journey book so you can see the context, and Jac will give you the right size to work to, and of course will send you the cloth pieces.

A large black bird the size of a crow Pigs
Elephants (I do have a textile stamp so no panic on this)
Birds of paradise
Sea elephants

Fish-tropical, unspecified
Teredos (ship’s worms)
Clove trees
Coconut palms
Orange blossom
Barrels heaped with betel nuts
A poisoned arrow (killed Magellan)
Asian junk ships
Blowpipes (unless Jac is using the image she showed us on Saturday)
Small weighing scales
Fish hooks
A large proa with gilded prow and stern, flying a blue and white banner with peacock feathers
Smaller proas-ie outrigger canoes
Egg cup sized cups
Rice being eaten with gold spoons
Money pierced in the middle for hanging on twine
Active volcanoes
A banner of parrot feathers, red, white and yellow
Sails with an elaborate cross and the wording “this is the sign of our good fortune”
Candles-at the 1” end of the scroll
Constellation of Nebecula major and minor
An eclipse of the sun
St Elmo’s Fire
Native people with pierced cheeks and lips-bones and stones used

I’m feeling quite energised with the project after making the video, so look forward to your responses!

Stay well,

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