Sunday, 14 March 2021

Fold Away Book

Report for March

This month we welcomed Lynne, who joined us from Cheshire. She is a college lecturers in photography and brings new skills to the group . She’s also an embroiderer and has joined our Magellan project. 

 We all enjoyed a great workshop with Jane, who led us in making not only a new structure but also a story writing exercise; two for the price of one! Many of us could see lots of potential for this structure, and it is here on the blog for those of you who couldn’t make the meeting. 

Foldaway Book Instructions: Ideal for a 4 or 8 sided book on a theme or story.


4 x 4 sheets of copy paper 29.5cm long x 10.5cm deep 

2 sheets of copy paper 18.5cm long x 10.5cm deep 

A cover sheet: light card or wallpaper 44cm long x 12cm deep

(A couple of small clips might help for construction)

You will also need a glue stick, bone folder, 3 split pins, crayons/felt tips, pencils, a ruler and an awl.


1 Mark the set of 2 sheets (shorter copy paper) at 2.25 cm. Fold a valley fold along the 2.25cm line. Around the centre of one page write the title of your book, and Written and Illustrated by……

On the other piece (valley fold up on your left) write The End. Set aside.

2 Mark the set of 4 sheets at 2.25cm; 14.5cm and 20cm for folding.

The sequence of the folds is valley, mountain, valley. Go over the folds with a bone folder for a clean edge.

Take the edge on your right and fold back underneath the main page.

You will have:

A margin of 2.25cm;

B page of 12.25 cm,

C fold under of 5.5cm,

D a flap of 9.5cm.

Now for your illustrations. Your first sketch is drawn on B, with a small sketched link near the bottom of D, and the word PULL at the top of D. Open out your page and fill in the gaps, being careful not to let you drawing exceed the fold between B and C.

Continue on each sheet until your story is complete. Make sure all ends/writing/detail matches.

Lay your title page at the front, and your end page at the back. Hold in place with a clip.

3 Take the cover, and fold in half. Check for size with your book.

Fold over about 2cm and glue down the edges, so the book sits neatly in its cover.

Place the body of your book inside the cover, hold in place with clips, then measure for holes for split pins, beginning centred on the spine.

Hey Presto – Your foldaway book 😊 From a design by Allan Ahlberg and Colin McNaughton 

It was great to see so many of you this month and lots of making has been going on, especially around the Magellan project which is very encouraging. Jac has been sending out cotton cloth for you to work on, and there are plenty of spaces if you have run out of things to do and need some inspiration! 

 Speaking of which, we set a theme......... ‘Puzzle’, or ‘Puzzling’ 

for the next couple of months if you fancy having a go.

I’ll be leading next month’s session, details to follow. We’ll be meeting on Zoom on the 10th April as the first Saturday is at the Easter weekend when some limited freedom may happen.

Stay safe and well all,       Marilyn

Back in Oz and now in two weeks lock down. We was well looked after by the police,Army Airforce,Nurses and Hotel staff. Our room is very spacious.
No worries
Eric and Jackie

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