Wednesday 5 October 2022

Snake Book

Although a little down on numbers this month owing to train strikes and Covid, we had a lovely start to our Autumn sessions with Julie leading us in making a ‘snake book’ with covers, in two different dimensions. Much discussion ensued about what we could do with the format, which is always a good sign.

At our show and tell session, Jac showed a wonderfully intricate train book for the travel theme, and Frances, virtually, and Rose showed lovely books on the theme of birds. Chris generously handed out acrylic and rubber stamps which were surplus to requirements.

Marilyn has put up a poster in Cass Arts advertsing the group and the Saturday sessions, and we will try and run a workshop for them on a Saturday immediately following our regular meeting. This would probably take the theme of one sheet wonders and it means no need for scalpels and mats. To be confirmed. 

No progress on showing Magellan. Simon Ryder has also tried the Maritime Museum, also to no effect sadly. 

One of our erstwhile Zoom members, Lynne, has started a new group in Cheshire, which is great news. There’s apparently a healthy creative boost happening in Northwich and she has just set up a local book arts group - Northwich Book Arts.  So far there are 25 members on the FB and newsletter list, so a great start and we wish them well. 

Possibilities for future collaborations there.

Our next session will be on paste papers and may be messy, so check the requirements list carefully when it arrives!



Silhouette Cameo 2 optical cutting machine in full working order with spare blades. 


Please contact Marilyn if you are interested via the NWBA email

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