Wednesday 21 December 2022

Christmas lantern

We were fortunate to be ‘upgraded’ to a larger room for our meeting this month.   We have had excellent service from the Quaker Meeting House all year, and have booked for the whole of 2023.

Extra space was useful for us to lay out our bring and buy selection,  generously donated by members to raise a small financial cushion for the times when numbers are lower than usual   The sum of £26 raised will help us to cover any future shortfalls.

Our usual December session saw us making ‘something Christmassy’, in this case a lovely small lantern courtesy of Chris, who generously provided all the card for the project. These small lanterns can be hung in the tree with a battery powered candle and a base, or used to sit on a shelf or mantlepiece without the base which makes for easier turning on and off. We also enjoyed our usual Christmas nibbles of course!

Several members had been very busy with book making, including Frances who had made a lovely theatre style book on the theme of Windows, and Jac had gone back to old school BBC programmes for a pop-up book on the same theme. 


Rose had completed a collapsible book on the travel theme, and other work was shown and admired, some being works in progress. 

The Windows theme finishes at our January meeting, when Julie will be leading our workshop.

We wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing some of you in the New Year.

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