Monday 16 January 2023


We welcomed in the New Year by making an explosion, or squash book, ably led by Julie. As the photos show, the final effect can be quite dramatic and very effective for using up some of those smaller scraps of paper from other projects, which is always a good thing, especially at the start of a new year.

We discussed the programme for the coming year, the possibility of an exchange project with the Nantwich book art group, and also recruitment of new members.

As part of this process, several of us went on to Cass Art to run a workshop for them. Three eager customers booked in, but in the event none actually turned up, which was disappointing, so we may try again in the future. It was particularly quiet in the shop, which didn’t help.

We were also asked to consider whether we should add a subtitle to our Name NWBA describing our use of Paper Crafting techniques.  Suggestions for a useful phrase would be appreciated.

Next month we will have a go at making 'book cloth'  for use in future projects.

 More examples of the current theme ' Windows' were also shown

Below are the patterned papers Marilyn used.  These are available on Amazon.


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