Sunday 6 May 2018

Case Bound Book Pt 2

The above undescriptive link will take you to 3 interesting  Youtube videos that have been recently filmed  featuring  Estella Scholes talking about her latest exhibition in North Wales.

May meeting notes

Sue had completed a mock-up of the front cover for the Journeys collaborative book. Many thanks to her.  She will now complete the cover to her own timetable. 

After much discussion about forthcoming exhibitions, we agreed to take up Simon’s offer of two meetings in the Hornby Room for July and August. The July meeting clashes with the Liverpool Book Arts Fair, so we will have to have a rota of volunteers to cover our table on Saturday Morning. We have sufficient funds in hand to pay for the table. Members can send more than one book for exhibit if they wish, but we will prioritise two from each member. Small to medium sized books work well as we only have one table.

Plans for the Croxteth garden visit have been confirmed as the afternoon of Thursday June 14th, meeting at 1 pm. However anyone wanting to arrive earlier in the morning could meet, picnic or lunch in the cafe. The visit to  Harrocks wood, Irby  will now take place in September to take advantage of the Autumn season.

We planned to make only the cover of our case bound book this meeting, but members made such good progress that Chris, who had taught herself to complete the casing-in, led us in finishing our books this session. Congratulations all round, especially to Chris who showed us a beautiful example. Our progress this session means that we can free up a later session to make books suitable for non-members to make in July and August, details to be confirmed. 

The site that Chris used for completing her case-bound book is at Useful if you missed this meeting and a very straightforward explanation.

Following the discussion about boiled or steamed paper, there is  an interesting link here: for anyone wanting to have a go.

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